About me

My journey of becoming

About me

“This can’t be it!
I think I’m dropped on the wrong planet.”

I remember that as one of my first conscious thoughts: This can’t be the real life. Either I am getting something profoundly wrong or the world around me is.

I grew up in in a small village in northern Germany. I was a kid of nature, playing outside all the time. I would brew plant soups, riding my horse aka my bike…Travelling different realities outside or in books was all I was doing.

Until I started to get overwhelmed a lot.
Moods swings, emotional breakdowns and out of body experiences became a thing.
I was often either super hyper, would burst out in anger or cry in despair because I felt so misunderstood. Or simply wrong with everything that was going on inside of me.

An essential part was missing

I was trying to learn all the rules, trying to live like a “normal” human being, I was trying to fit in, trying to be happy…but I was miserably failing. Constantly. It might not have looked like it, but it felt like it. I just didn’t understand the concept of life and even if things were „working“ for a while, it felt like an essential part was missing. That feeling never left me. It was there while I was working on movie sets, when travelling the world and during my acting profession.

Seven years ago my system shut down. I had all kind of physical symptoms, health issues, psychological issues. It built up until I wouldn’t leave my house anymore and would concider if it’s worth staying on this planet.
During all of that this subtle feeling never went away: there must be more. There must be “an answer” to all of this.

I started meditation, yoga, breathwork, therapy, did gaga movement, ecstatic dance, started studying psychology at Freie Universität Berlin, started training as a therapist at the TIB-Gestalt Berlin, did Grinberg, massages, medium sessions, energy healing, and study spiritual teachings.

Seven years ago my system shut down. I had all kind of physical symptoms, health issues, psychological issues. It built up until I wouldn’t leave my house anymore and would concider if it’s worth staying on this planet.
During all of that this subtle feeling never went away: there must be more. There must be “an answer” to all of this.

I started meditation, yoga, breathwork, therapy, did gaga movement, ecstatic dance, started studying psychology at Freie Universität Berlin, started training as a therapist at the TIB-Gestalt Berlin, did Grinberg, massages, medium sessions, energy healing, and study spiritual teachings.

Plant medicines and shamanic teachings came into my life four years ago which is still part of my practice. Deep initiations through living with nature happened in the last two years in Mexico and Nicaragua.

Here is now my update on my childhood thought of “this can’t be it!”: It wasn’t! It never was! And you came here to experience exactly that.
To experience this deep feeling of coming home to yourself.

I can’t walk the path for you. I am not here to tell you what’s right and what’s wrong.
I am here to love you, to hold you, to guide you. I am here to be there for you with my whole existence so you can find yourself in that.
Whatever the reason is that brought you here: it is life knocking on your door. I invite you wholeheartatly to let it in!
In love,

